Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Inadequate Protection When Final Salary Schemes Close

The Pension Protection Fund only provides limited protection if an employer goes bust and in some cases substantial reduction in the pension payable. Anyone with final salary benefits should arrange for them to be reviewed by a specialist pension consultant.

Monday, 15 June 2009

Pension savers miss out on £720 million

Research recently published by Unbiased has revealed that UK pension savers are missing out on £720 Million in tax relief by failing to top-up their employers' pension schemes. Higher rate tax payers who make additional contributions are entitled to tax relief at up to 40% on contributions, which they make to improve their retirement income. These can be to the employer's scheme or to a private arrangement.

With many schemes under pressure and reducing the rate at which future benefits build up, or even ceasing to provide future benefits, it has never been more important for people to take personal responsibility for their retirement planning. Tax breaks are available for pension contributions as well as for other forms of saving. Unbiased have provided a tax waste calculator to help you find out whether you are making full use of the relief available to you. Find out how much tax you are wasting here